Mickey Rose 




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New Music is Here !              

STOP RUNNIN FROM GOD CD Release October 1, 2011

After was seems like a lifetime the CD is finished and online ready to purchase for our fans. The project took on some water as we lost our Bass player Ron Lee in the middle of recording. Ron still continued to help out but scheduling was more difficult. So with the assistance of bassist Mike Butler we able to finished up the bass tracks on the remaining 3 songs. "On The Day Christ Returns" the CD's #2 song was pre-released months before the CD was finished and it started landing "rock based" Christian radio stations from Maine to California and even one in the UK.

Because this project is different from our A Cross And A Crown project we feel that the Lord is going to open many doors for us to carry the message to those who need to hear. This message is geared toward our preparation for the last days and the current state of the church in general. This message is right on time and current with what is happening in our world. Many are not satisfied with the current state of our government and Christians are praying this government to turn back to God, But the truth is WE need to turn back to God and when we do then God will honor our prayers for the people we need leading our nation.

2 CHRONICLES 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and TURN from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. "

You see it is not up the the White House or the State House to fix what is wrong it is up to the CHURCH  HOUSE!

The songs are available for digital download at indieheaven.com/artists/MickRoseMinistries and here on our products page

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 Copyright © November 2013

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Last updated: 05/31/14.